We’re a growing community of not-for-profit digital leads committed to sharing best practice and peer-to-peer learning, and aiming to maximise the use of digital technology for social impact.

A gathering of the Digital Leads Network at Friends House in London, March 2024

What is it?

The Digital Leads Network (DLN) is a vibrant community of over 100 UK digital leads working for not-for-profit organisations, dedicated to fostering best practice and peer-to-peer learning in the sector. DLN offers a range of resources and learning opportunities, including access to a network of like-minded professionals, and a variety of events and webinars.

Who’s it for?

The Digital Leads Network is tailored for professionals working for not-for-profit organisations who are actively involved in managing or overseeing digital initiatives in their organisations. All members are expected to have a strong grasp of user-centred design principles.

Our members, though at various stages of their digital journey, are united in their aim to enhance their leadership skills, sustain the momentum of their digital initiatives, and enrich their knowledge through peer and expert support.

Expressing your interest in joining is simple - just share your name, organisation and email via this form and we will be in touch. We open up new places a couple of times a year; we will review the current round of applications in Autumn 2024.

DLN logo

What support is on offer?

  • Around 4 masterclasses or workshops per year with sector experts and peers on specific digital topics.
  • An AI Peer Group specifically for digital leads
  • Networking sessions every two months
  • A newsletter shared every two months
  • A members directory and resource hub
  • An annual in-person meetup
  • Opportunities to shape and develop the network

Benefits of joining

The network is free to join. Joining offers you a range of opportunities:

  • A collaborative space for networking and knowledge exchange.
  • Invitations to our events, webinars, and meetups.
  • Invitation to our LinkedIn group
  • Enhanced recognition and visibility within the charity sector.
  • A variety of other exclusive opportunities, including funding for award submissions and support to speak alongside CAST at sector events and conferences.

We welcome members from charities of all sizes and focuses.

Find out more about our members

What members say

“Thank you so much for a very interesting and stimulating networking day. I have left it with many ideas and new connections to follow up.”

“So much valuable information and experience was shared - I was completely inspired by the passion and creativity of the speakers on the day, and it was great to connect with the other attendees.”

“Thanks so much for putting together a brilliant day, I took loads of out it and made some great contacts.”

If you’d like to join the network, please complete this short Expression of Interest Form. We open up new places a couple of times a year; we will review the current round of applications in Autumn 2024. If you have any questions, please contact David Scurr, Programme and Partnerships Lead.